Usually busy work, take advantage of the May Day shopping spree. It's no mistake to be grateful for yourself if your hands are not empty. 8、五一到了,最温暖的五一劳动节祝福为朋友送上,也给朋友的朋友送上,希望大家五一劳动节快乐。
The author‘s attitude toward Koziatek’s school can be described as 。 [A] supportive [B] tolerant [C] disappointed [D] cautious Text 2 While fossil fuels—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply, it’s clearer than ever th...
It's not surprising that Tumblr is the place to find these posts. The platform hosts large groups dedicated to mental well-being, encouragement and self-care. 在汤博乐上看...
The happy ones remove all conditions on their happiness. They are dedicated to their decision to be happy, they focus on it constantly. They are not perfect, they falter so...
1. I won't do it to save my life. 正译:我死也不会这样干/干这种事。 误译:为了救自己的命,我不会这样做。 解析:动词不定式短语确实常常用作目的状语,但本句中的to save my life却不能这样理解,这里有一点让步的含义,即“哪怕要靠此救自己的命(我也不会……)”,按照...